23033BK-DYM - Dalo Textile Marker Black Medium Point
Revision Date 23-Apr-2015
WPS-ITW-066 - Textile Marking Texpen/Dalo -All colors
Hazardous Polymerization
Hazardous polymerization does not occur.
Conditions to avoid
Heat, flames and sparks. Incompatible products.
Incompatible materials
Strong oxidizing agents. Strong acids. Strong reducing agents. Strong alkalis.
Hazardous decomposition products
Carbon oxides. Smoke Soot.
Information on likely routes of exposure
Product Information Inhalation
May be harmful if inhaled. May cause drowsiness and dizziness. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling contents may be harmful or fatal
Eye Contact Skin Contact Ingestion
Irritating to eyes. Causes serious eye irritation. May be harmful in contact with skin . May cause irritation. May be harmful if swallowed.
Chemical Name Titanium dioxide Propylene glycol monomethyl ether
LOSO Dermal
LCSO Inhalation -
> 10000 mg/kg ( Rat) = 5200 mg/kg ( Rat)
= 13000 mg/kg (Rabbit)
> 24 mg/L (Rat) 1 h = 54.6 mg/L ( Rat )4 h = 10.7 mg/L ( Rat )4 h = 8000 ppm ( Rat ) 4 h 18892 mg/m" - >2.2 mg/L ( Rat ) 4 h -
= 800 mg/kg ( Rat)
= 948 mg/kg (Rabbit)
= 5800 mg/kg ( Rat) > 15400 mg/kg ( Rat ) > 5000 mg/kg ( Rat ) > 5000 mg/kg ( Rat )
1700mg/kg (rabbit) > 3 g/kg ( Rabbit )
Acetone Carbon black Silicon dioxide Aluminum hydroxide
> 2000 mg/kg ( Rabbit )
Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics
No information available.
Delayed and immediate effects and also chronic effects from short and long term exposure
Sensitization Mutagenic Effects Carcinogenicity
May cause an allergic skin reaction . No information available.
This product contains one or more substances which are classified by IARC as carcinogenic to humans (Group I), probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A) or possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B).
Chemical Name Titanium dioxide Cyclohexanone
Group 28 Group 3 Group 28
A3 A3
Carbon black
ACGIH: (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists) A3 - Animal Carcinogen
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