A16 - Dyno Fabric Edge Sealer 10.5 oz 12PK
Test Results
lsobutyl Methacrylate (CAS 97-86-9) Aquatic Crustacea EC50
23 mg/L, 48 Hours
n-Heptane (CAS 142-82-5) Aquatic Fish
Mozambique tilapia (Tilapia mossambica)
375 mg/I, 96 hours
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light aliph . (CAS 64742-89-8) Aquatic Algae Toluene (CAS 108-88-3) Aquatic Algae Crustacea IC50 IC50 EC50 Algae Algae Daphnia
4700 mg/L, 72 Hours
433.0001 mg/L, 72 Hours 7.645 mg/L, 48 Hours 5.46 - 9.83 mg/I, 48 hours 8.11 mg/I, 96 hours
Water flea (Daphnia magna) Coho salmon,silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Trichloroethylene (CAS 79-01-6) Aquatic Crustacea Fish EC50 LC50
Daphnia Fish Flagfish (Jordanella floridae)
2.2 mg/L, 48 Hours 40.8933, 96 Hours 3.1 mg/I, 96 hours
Xylene (CAS 1330-20-7) Aquatic Fish
Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)
7.711 - 9.591 mg/I, 96 hours
* Estimates for product may be based on additional component data not shown. Persistence and degradability No data is available on the degradability of this product. Bioaccumulative potential No data available. Partition coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow) Acetone Butane lsobutyl Methacrylate n-Heptane Octane
-0.24 2.89 2.66 4.66 5.18 2.36 2.73 2.61 3.12 - 3.2
Propane Toluene Trichloroethylene Xylene
No data available.
Mobility in soil
No other adverse environmental effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation potential, endocrine disruption, global warming potential) are expected from this component.
Other adverse effects
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
13. Disposal considerations Disposal instructions
Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Contents under pressure. Do not puncture, incinerate or crush. Do not allow this material to drain into sewers/water supplies. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or used container. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.
Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations.
Local disposal regulations Hazardous waste code
The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the waste disposal company.
US RCRA Hazardous Waste U List: Reference Acetone (CAS 67-64-1) Toluene (CAS 108-88-3) Product name: 10.5 OZ DYNO FABRIC EDGE SEALER LB 12PK
U002 U220
sos us 9 / 13
Product#: 1000012056 Version#: 04 Revision date: 08-12-2015 Issue date: 08-01-2014
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