A41 - Hammertone Beige
SAFETY DATA SHEET Superior-Kote Industrial Beige Hammer Finish
Part No. S5955CT Aerosol Print Date: 04/26/2017 Revision Date: 04/26/2017 Version: 5.0 (EN) Page 9 of 12
12.2 Ecological Properties n-Butane (106-97-8) Persistence and degradability
Readily biodegradable in water.
Log Pow
2.89 (Experimental value)
Bioaccumulative potential Propane (74-98-6) Persistence and degradability
Low potential for bioaccumulation (Log Kow < 4).
Readily biodegradable in water. Not applicable (gas). Photodegradation in the air.
BCF fish 1 Log Pow
9 - 25 (BCF)
2.28 (Calculated)
Bioaccumulative potential Isobutane (75-28-5) Persistence and degradability
Low potential for bioaccumulation (Log Kow < 4).
Readily biodegradable in water. Biodegradable in the soil. Not applicable (gas).
BCF fish 1
20 - 52 (BCF) 20 - 52 (BCF)
BCF other aquatic organisms 1
Log Pow
2.8 (Experimental value; 20 °C)
Bioaccumulative potential Acetone (67-64-1) Persistence and degradability Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Low potential for bioaccumulation (BCF < 500).
Biodegradability 90% / 28 days.
1.43 g O₂/g substance 1.92 g O₂/g substance 2.2 g O₂/g substance
BOD (% of ThOD)
0.872 (20 days; Literature study)
BCF fish 1
0.69 (BCF)
BCF other aquatic organisms 1
3 (BCF; BCFWIN) -0.24 (Test data)
Log Pow
Bioaccumulative potential Xylene (1330-20-7) Persistence and degradability Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Not bioaccumulative.
Readily biodegradable in water. 1.40 - 2.53 g O₂/g substance 2.56 - 2.91 g O₂/g substance
3.1 g O₂/g substance
BOD (% of ThOD)
0.44 - 0.816
BCF fish 1 Log Pow
14.1 - 24 (BCF)
3.15 - 3.3
Bioaccumulative potential Ethyl Benzene (100-41-4) Persistence and degradability Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Low potential for bioaccumulation (BCF < 500).
Readily biodegradable in water. Biodegradable in the soil. Low potential for adsorption in soil.
1.44 g O₂/g substance (20d.)
2.1 g O₂/g substance 3.17 g O₂/g substance
BOD (% of ThOD)
45.4 (20 days)
BCF fish 1 BCF fish 2
1 (BCF; Other; 6 weeks; Oncorhynchus kisutch; Flow-through system; Salt water; Literature study)
15 - 79 (BCF)
BCF other aquatic organisms 1
4.68 (BCF)
Log Pow
3.15 (Experimental value; 3.6; Experimental value; EU Method A.8: Partition Coefficient; 20 °C)
Bioaccumulative potential
Low potential for bioaccumulation (BCF < 500).
Log Koc
log Koc,PCKOCWIN v1.66; 2.71; Calculated value; Koc; PCKOCWIN v1.66; 517.8; Calculated value
2-Butoxyethanol (111-76-2) Persistence and degradability Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Biodegradability 90% / 28 days.
0.71 g O₂/g substance 2.2 g O₂/g substance 2.305 g O₂/g substance
BOD (% of ThOD)
Log Pow
0.81 (Experimental value; BASF test; 25 °C) Low potential for bioaccumulation (Log Kow < 4).
Bioaccumulative potential Cobalt Octoate (136-52-7) BCF fish 1 Bioaccumulative potential
1.2 (BCF; 131 days; Seriola quinqueradiata; Static system; Salt water; Read-across)
Low potential for bioaccumulation (BCF < 500).
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