AK-84, -85, -86, -87 Instruction Manual
5. CP-170, IP-11 0 ~O)ffiH.&fllli'll:t5'-1'70)::::JY 1-– D-J[;J \::l
7. [),l]O)J;51;::, 75-!J\~?~m c~J:J.l ~. :r-::n~; O)""fi'§ll;::flllt:Ji'll:ta::9o (AK86.AK87 0)~;§;) 7. As shown in the figure, install the fly back resistance (asm.) under the table (in case of AK86 and AK87).
J!ll;'t~TI1. ~H.&di!lJ1tliciia::9o '..! 1/./ -1' 1'~9i:EP 0)/JioJ"J!IlGi'll:tt.::tl:lWc. !'5-1 1\- e <:;; 1/./-1 l'!illl~:lr:"@l 1_.,, 7\fEJW::ZJ \:T 0 C't~~tl l_;~i\lilliba:: 9o ---------------- 1 (f)i iMiE!lili<:ll:t t-111? 1<1: 3.4- 5.9N • m c9, \ I lli!I1.>J§lf:Qc'../LI./-1' t'll!i!IJIJili!ilL.,g:g-0) I l ciii\V~<.r.:c~\, l ---------------- Lower the presser foot and make it come in close contact with the throat plate. In the state that the solenoid is pressed in the direction of the arrow, turn the solenoid shaft counterclockwise with screwdriver 0 and tighten the screw with hexagonal wrench key €). ---------------- 1 (j) Proper tightening torque is 3.4 to 5.9N·m. l Caut•on I A Excessive tightening may damage the I \ .. solenoid arm. So, be careful. J ---------------- -2-
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