Artisan 196R-2

s. tt~~1-c ~il'l fi.f1l@!~jn$H!lfj!J: rr~:'t-JKit . iif~Jffl$!fJJff-llfi11U11. !1!:1 17) *ilii'i. ~lrtft~~. fl-~ig}¥.:, ~IM"Vt-~!41. ~liP.~~ }R. ;-~~~ 611(.;] ;~ r4Ht. i:iJ t:; J~.lffSili!dli -f-tnrFW:ffi . RP il6.i!11'ffllill. -=¥- JJ{ r~ .1ci. Uif ~ =mt -f- n5 g #) i: tiz. .i.! fit _Q_ * ~ ;R inJ :it£ 14. 8, Regulating needle guage artd feeding: T urning th e rotary button ean regulate the w idth of needle guage (Fig. 17). If tu rni11g ~·ounter clockwise, the needle gauge is wide. li turning clockwise, the needle ~nugc is n nrrow. If it is necessury to back tack, just put down the levet· under the •·on tar~· b u tto n. R i!V\:!J~J*:h : ?i~ ~·.Q£i(Jr)~ -J1!1: ~ ~tiil''~BH'Hl'/ . !Jl~~{]tiljfjj VJ.&.:Jt~ -@1!1 ~ffiP:G:~. ··)~;;.,;I~ ftl r.f.• ,·~htM~tJ.! .±. * 9'Jt-lH!DJE)j\!fUt:. fBi~l¥.!~ .7J. ~Zfit5~j!J !E~~~jf­ frfirlt:ttttrr{i£ . 'N~'il:fBIS'P. (a) ,r·~t.·£-t~. rf~. ifii;~3<-w!~lii:t"P l'lfl; (b > 111F~ 'EL tif r:H.~ R''.l ~.i:!l. ilt£1t~ \li.1111 st 1f.stt-1-tfl ..tilii; rfli?H~. 1!:#'9.~ 1t-lti~. !a't~x#'ta!S?!l~a.Jnt;ilii ; (d) ~- ffii-:"~.t!Jt~~·~:'::IU~ . tatl;~?.~X:ffi-i'EQ~.) li'f. oo~~J ~a~~:i'!E . flt~§i~)(~tE~U>t


e. The two tbreads tension are both higb. They are locking tightly in the materinl,

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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