Artisan 196R-2
SoMng method
Probable cause
i I 1. Needle too thill or sewing ma~ rials too heavy.
l Reference to the part of oeedk, thnad. and nwi ug,
t ChaD.&""- the bent needle. Correct needle po.itioD.
.2. Needle bent. 3. N~e bent.
4. "Properly sewing
4. StTcmci.Y pull the sewin& mater\·
n1s when sewing.
l. Regulatin& as per instructlOfl book.
l. The tide clenrence 11ncl po.iticm between needle and roblry
Y. Change the bent looper.
badl.~ aclj\lsted.
a Refereuoe to the part o( needle and to inCTease returu NOOUDt of rotary
2. Looper bent
s tiches
3. NoedleM and D:Uit.eJia¥.un.lit. Hole
sewi~ material. Lower the needle a lit-
OD the needle p\at.e too lv-Je.
tle book (for liefrt ~DMerials).
4. Bobbin thread tension and pres•
4. Increase theJn.
er preuure is to weak.
t Use hlp qulity thread.
l. Thn~ad QUl\lity.
f. Reference to the part ol needle and
t.. Needle and \hread unfit.
3. Rouch S\u·fac:e ot thread ruide.
&. Polishing. or claaac a new one.
4. Tension is too t ight.
5. Needle position badly lltted 6. Hi(th temperanare of aeedle flu-
Loosen tho ten11ion D\lt.
5. Regulatine it. f\ Cooling needle. 7, Rep)ating it.
es nrt\iicinl fibre thread.
7. Weak bobbin thread tension. \
l ~ a new one and increase re-
1, Rotary hook is bad quality and
turD amount of rotary hook.
badly fitted.
~ Change a tbiek ooe.
2. ~eedlc too thin.
3. Raise them.
3. Fc~d dogs too low.
Tit read
lncreasc it.
.1, W11ak nt:edl!! thread tension.
float in~
I 6. Problem of pre~ser tbot. I
6. Narrow the distance ~ween botwm ol the pre!ISer slot and needle. Change a new pres!ler foot.
6 Weak tak• up spcing
~ lncruse it.
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