Artisan 196R-2
;t:i·'->·~;iii;_,~:i•L:~J;•.t 1 JII~4fJJt.fUliJ ( 10-i}Sill!) ¥: HIGHiB%V$1i: A. hrlreltri ff:";trm-~. ~~ifjtJ :!1! , .K-Tilil'iJ~....t.tfJ~tl~liT':i!r~-"B'Il"f ail '•i .,,,i1 t'.• i':.j 'r'if~t~ :lllid: (1~ 9) .i;;. i: 1111iif$tb ft. r.ri11llt :ill:i.l\1 i7~fr inJA t!'~ll:t, illl'lt~ft* . .¥3 iE :fit i,Ll!-;; ?.'\HU-'1-1f tnJ B -'rt. .-:'; 1 :-t. iii! :,:: Fr >'-t 'I, l.j) ; .\ ,,.. . a. f!L ~;;:r;_::-;!Jii·t . i·. :hl i~Jf!~li1ft /irt:J~~ ( M. .l:~oq~~{;Jloo lt). h. :;:: ·m"~ .-:;; "!ri·. ~;:tl3::$j£~. v.a~.-*l~. \'. !:< (Hi(: !ll~~8~Jf
Ill 7 Fig.?
00 8 Fig.B
2. Operation preoaration: C l) Ciean inj!:
~cfon: )Jacking part of the machine, 11bou\cl be covered with anti-r ust grease, And hdorc operation new machine, anti-rust grease on each pan or machine l>bould be clt•ant•d out "'itb j!;asol ine ond clean with soft cloth. I:!l lnspcetiou : Sonw t>art>' of' •nachine l1ead may get loose due to vibration incurred in transit of r•·u~h hanrllin~. S(J uftet cleaning. the machine should be thoroughly inspected. To ··-he\'1-. th" maehinc hllad !ly means of turning balance wheel. The machine bead must be rc:!(u la t.-d in tJtc (":1:10 of conditions such ns ubnorntal noise from the compact of moving
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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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