Catalogo Cometa Durkopp
• costruzioni meccaniche
@ max6mm CD 1 ago (134x35)
1 needle (134x35)
~ crochet rotativo piccolo ad asse vericale ~ small rotative hook with vertical axis
~ crochet rotativo grande ad asse verticale ~ large rotative hook with vertical axis
~ punto annodato ~ lockstitch ® triplice trasporto
bottom feed, needle feed and alternating feet
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VCA40 01 - H600 T867 Macchina a colonna trasporto a griffa punta d'ago e piedini alternanti con altezza fino a 9 mm, punto annodato, completa di alzapiedino pneumatico. ldonea per cuciture di borse, borse da viaggio, valigette, portadocumenti, stivali e calzature in genere. Grazie alle ridotte dimensioni della colonna e della placca, si presta a cuciture di particolare difficolta come bordi ed angoli, non realizzabili con altri tipi di macchine.
VCA40 01-H 600 T867 Post bed single needle machine, bottom feed, needle feed and alternating feet, with foot stroke adjustable up to 9mm, lockstitch, complete with pneumatic footlift. The machine is also available with upper roller. Fit for sewing bags, travelling bags, cases, briefcases, boots and shoes in general. Thanks to its small post bed and pointed needle plate, it is particularly suitable for difficult sewing operations such as those of small borders and corners, impossible to be stitched with other kinds ofmachines.
Altezza colonna 400 mm Diametro colonna 45 mm Velocita massima cucitura 1000 rpm Post Height 400 mm Post diameter 45 mm Sewing maximum speed 1000 rpm
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Crochet grande Large hook
Crochet piccolo Small hook
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