Melco EMT 10-6T
Accompanying each section is an illustration showing the general area of the machine that is represented in that section. Parts are identified in the illustrations with arrows associated with their part numbers pointing to the part with that number. Letters contained in circles generally are used to refer the user to a different illustration or section of the manual that identifies the assembly with more detail. Part numbers, quantities, and part descriptions for the parts called out in the illustrations are found on the following pages adjacent to the illustrations.
The second column in the parts list identifies how many times the part is used in that illustration.
Part Descriptions
Each part listed has a descriptive name in the third column of the parts listing. Hardware (such as screws, washers, etc.) are described by size in order to help the user to identify common hardware items that can be obtained by local sources if desired. CAUTION: When purchasing hardware from a source other than Melco, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that such hardware is of sufficient quality and grade to meet or exceed Melco's original equipment hardware. Melco assumes no liability for the use of inadequate hardware that was purchased by and/or installed by other than an authorized Melco factory representa- tive.
12159, Rev.A
Illustrated Parts Manual
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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