Melco EMT 10-6T
Head Right Cover Assembly Part Number
Qty Description
10548-02 12175 *
Assembly, Head Right Cover
1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1
Block, Mounting
10420-01 * 12174-02 * 10549-02 * 10494-01 * 011196-06 # 010170-10 # 006558-06 # 005034-01 # 12171-01 # 13748-08 #
Cover, Bridge Head, Right Side, Machined
Disk, Home, Take-Up Eccentric, Take-Up
Motor, Stepper
Screw, Flat Head Socket, M4 x 0.7 x 12mm
Screw, M3 x 0.5 x 10mm Socket Head Cap, Zinc Plate Screw, Pan Head Phillips, M3 x 6mm LG Screw, Set, Socket, Cup Point, M4 x .7 x 6MM
Switch, Optical, Assembly
Screw, Set, Dog Point, M4 x 8mm
* Item available ONLY as part of the Head Right Cover Assembly, part number 10548-02 # Item also included as part of the Head Right Cover Assembly, part number 10548-02
12159, Rev. A Please refer to the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS section in the Introduction of this manual for information regarding the meaning of the Bold and Italicized , part number, as well as the asterisk (*) and pound (#) signs found throughout this manual. From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC Illustrated Parts Manual
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