Reece 32
When checking the 115 volt ac circuits, use extreme caution as.the .line voltage can be dangerous. Polarity does not have to be observed when measuring ac; the black and red ,probes are interchangeable. Normal operating voltage can· vary from 115 to 125 volts ac.
VOLTAGE CHECKS All de voltage checks in the Reece Series 32 Welting Machine are made with respect to ground. Any standard multimeter or vacuum tube voltmeter can be used, having scales that cover the 24 volt de and 115 volt ac ranges. It is suggested that a meter with a 50 o_r 60 volt de scale and a 150 volt ac scale he used. This brings normal readings to midscale where they ilre most accurate and easy to read.
15:>VAC 0
~0 20
40 _ ~,sa
!tO VCC 0 . , '
CONTINUITY CHECKS Continuity checks are made with power off and the meter on the ohms scale. The x 10 scale is recom– mended for all resistance and continuity checks in the R~ece Series ·32 Welting Machine. Much of the cir-
The safest practice in making voltage checks is to make the ground connection, either with an alliHator clip lead or the white test jack from 142, with the power turned off. Then turn on the power .ind set up the condition specified in the trouble– stw,>I 111~1 dl.irl. Whun the cond1 t1u11 ht1s ht!tm set up, tuqch tlw positive Ired) probl! to the SJ.)t!cit icd test ptH11t. w tlu: spt!1:tf iud lt!rm1nal of the IMrr1er terminal I_JhH,1-i. When measuring 24 volts de, all voltages are posItIve with respect to ground, so the meter should IJe set tu a. de scale, with .the negative probe ,:cmru.~c:tml 10 qround; otherwise the pointer will de- 11,•c.t m tl11? wronu clirnction ,ind rest hard against the ,top.
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