Reece 32
VERTICAL ADJUSTMENTS Adjust the front edge of the Brush Blodes to the lowest level that wi l I fold the We lting and Back– ing Material snugly_ into the corners of the Patch Guide . TO ADJUST: Obtain this setting by means of screws (E). Rear end of Brush Blades must then be set l/32" h igher than the front edge of Brush Blades. TO ADJUST: Combination of loosening and tightening screws (F & G ) will vary height of rear end of Brush BI odes . To ra ise rear end, loosen screw (G) and tighten (F). To lower, loosen screw (F) and tighten (G). HORIZONTAL ADJUSTMENTS The Brush Blades must c lose para II e I to the Patch Guide and with clearance on each side of the Patch Guide equal to the thickness of We lting and Backing Mater ial. To assure accurate performance, i t is essential that the correct relationsh ip exists between the Patch Folding Arms, Slide Blocks, Slide Bracket and Clevis • . Refer to Foldout II at the rear of this manual so that proper settings are established before performing the following adjustments. TO ADJUST: After proper sett ings are ob- ta ined, it may sti ll be necessary to re-establish parallel relationship between Brush Blades and Patch Guide by means o f screws (F). Further adjustment for more or less clearance bet– ween Patch Guide and Brush Blades can be obtained by turning Piston Rod in or out of Clevis. TO ADJUST: Loosen Nut (J ) and using a pair of pliers (03-01 23 ignition pliers) turn
Piston Rod in or out of CI e vis . Keep pliers c lose to Nut (J) when ma k i n g adjustment. Clearance (M) va ries with Patch Guide set– ting used when Patch Folding Brush Arms are in the closed position. Patch Fol – ding Brushes must not deflect Patch Guide when We lting and Backing ma– terial is being folded. If th is occurs, uneven wel – ting or needle breakage may result. IMPORTANT:
INSTALLATION OF PATCH FOLDING BRUSH BLADES Install Patch Fo ld ing Brush Blades by loosening screws (K) at both ends of Patch Folding Brush . Install Brush Blade to full depth of slot in Pivot . Tighten screw (K) at one end of Brush. Then placing hex wrench in Pivot at the other end of Brush tu rn to draw the Brush Blade taut. Finally tighten rema ining screw (K) .
turn to tighten~
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