Singer 71W; 72W
No. Plate
20'24ol 11125 Knee Lifter Rock Lever Lug with two wood screws | in., No. ISit $ 05 202452 12319 Knee Lifter Rock Lever Lug Hinge Pin 227784 11125 " " " " Rod. 3 in. long, with 227785 06" *227785 Knee Lifter Rock Lever Rod Cap or Oil Guard • ~ 200529c 12319 Knee Lifter Rock Lever Rod Set Screw 05 (Other Knee Lifter Parts are listed with parts of machine head). FOR MACHINE NO.71W2 Same as for Machine No. 71wl with the following exceptions: 15 N 1 Needles, three each, sizes 12 and 14, in place of six, size 14 Perdoz. 20 (213822 Piercer and 213823 Piercer not used). FOR MACHINE NO.71W3 Same as for Machine No. 71wl with the following exceptions: 15 Nl Needles, three each, sizes 12 and 14, in place of six, size 14 Perdoz. 20^ 213821 11106 Piercer, In place of 213823 • 10. . FOR MACHINE NO.72W12 Same as for Machine No. 71wl with the following exceptions: 213710 11635 Bobbin (10), in place of (5) 05 15 .V 3 Needles, twelve, size 10, in place of six 15n1 .PerDoz. 20 213825 11106 Piercer, in place of 213822 25 213828 11106 " 213823 25 213829 11106 Auxiliary Piercer •... 25 FOR MACHINE NO.72W13 Same as for Machine No. 71wl with the following exceptions: 213710 11635 Bobbin (10), in place of (5) 05 12 N1 Needles, six each, sizes 12 and 14, in place of six 15n1 Perdoz. 20 213831 11106 Piercer, in place of 213822 25 213833 11106 Auxiliary Piercer, in place of 213823 FOR MACHINE NO,72W14 Same as for Maclune No. 71wl with the following exceptions: 213710 11635 Bobbin (10). in place of (5) 05 12N1 Needles, six each, sizes 14 and 16, in place of six 15x1 Perdoz. 20 213835 11107 Piercer, in place of 213822 80 (,213823 Piercer not used).
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