Singer 71W; 72W

Numerical List of Parts


No. Plate



2X3715 11636 Face Plate complete, Nos. 200303ii. 200577]r, 202088, 202872, 204059, 213171, S- 213213, 213214, 213216, 213792, 213872, 213873,225604, 234703, two each 200290f and 201537H, for Machines Nos. 71wl and 71w3 213716 11639 Hook Saddle complete, Nos. 2(M}555it, 203241, 203254, 203290 and 2131ft2, for Machines of Class 71w 213717 11639 Hook Saddle (right) with 202299, for 213718 213718 11639 Hook Saddle (right) complete, Nos. 200555ir, 203241, 203254, .203290 and 213717, for 213720 213725 11093 Needle Vibrating Rock Leyer 214066 with 213206 and 213208 (obsolete), for Ma chine No. 71wl ..,.1. 213726 11091 Feed Driving Segment Lever Crank Spring, for Machines of Class 71w 02 213727 11094 Thread Guide, for .Machines of Class 71w 05 213728 11092 Needle Vibrating Cam and Gear Lever Connection, for Machines Nos. 71wl and 71w3 50 213730 11096 Needle Bar Connecting Stud Swivel with 200387c, for 213282 15 213738 11642 Piercer Bar Lifting Rock Shaft Crank with 20181.2, for 213255 1 00 213740 11101 Piercer Bar Driving Cam Retaining Washer, for 213247 Oio 213745 11645 Piercer Holder Bracket 213390 with 213389, for Machines Nos. 72wl4 to 72wl7 1 60 213749 11102 Auxiliary Feed Bar Spring, for Machines Nos. 72wl7 and 72wl8 02 2,13765 Feed Bar 213789 with 200075E, 20O214e, 201525E, 201'd35e and 204200 1 00 213789 11090 Feed Bar with 204189, for 213765 50 213791 11640 Presser Bar (hollow), for Machines Nos. 71wl to 71w3, 72wl2, 72.wl3, 72wl8 and 72wl9 80 213792 ' 11094 Tension Release Cam, for 213226 and 213715 15 213794 11094 Needle Holder witli two 200117f, for 213393 1 25- 213795 11096 Needle Bar Connecting Stud, for 213282 63 1 25 ?2 65 5 CO 1 25 5 25 213720 Hook Saddle Combination ,(left and right; complete,"Nos..-2032^-and-213718, for Machines'Nbs. 7i2wi7-and .7i2wl8 .. 10 50

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