Singer 71W; 72W

Numerical List of Parts


No. Plate



213946 11636 Pace Plate complete, Nos. .200098f, 200161D,2(>0318lf,.20210'8,1202872, 213213, 213214, 213266, 213267, 213935, 213941 to 213945, 219866, 219867, 228026, 234703, two each 2000S9.D, 200290f, 201537H, 204059, 213872 and three 225604, for Machines of Class 72w $4 35 213947 Needle Vibrating Cam and Gear Lever Oil Retainer (felt), for Machines of Class 71w 02


Feed Driving Segment Lever Crank Stop (leather),for 213199


213964 11640 Needle Bar Frame 213228 with 200380c

and 213227, for Machine No. 71^2 1 75


Piercer Bar 213260 with 213262 and 221481, for Machines of Class 72w .... 1 00

214004 11639 Piercer Bar Lifting Rock Shaft Crank 213255 with 213249, for Machines of Class 72w

I 75


Needle Vibrating Cam and Gear Segment Lever Connection Stud with 204020, for 212881, 213241, 213242 and 2133SS

214008 11641 Needle Vibrating Cam and Gear 213254


with 200079h and 213276 (obsolete), for 213217 ....^

3 25

214009 11641 Presser Foot Vibrating Collar and Plunger Socket complete, Nos. 200199d. 201525e, 201822, 213269, 213270 and 213273 to 213275, for Machine No. 72wl2 Needle Vibrating Cam and Gear Segment Lever Connection Bracket 213243 with 213242, 213388, two each 201275b, 204922, 204924. 213265 and four 200110b, for Machines Nos. 72wl6 and 72wl7 .. 4 15 214'020 11648 Auxiliary Piercer, for Machine No. 72wl2 25 214021 11648 " " " Machines Nos.7i2wl6 and 7awl7 25 214022 11648 Piercer, for Machines Nos. 72wl6 and 72wl7 25 214037 11639 Feed Driving Cam and Gear Shaft, for Machines Nos. 72wl7 and 72wl8 40 "n 214038 11645 Auxiliary Feed Bar Spring Stud Pin, for 213806 01 214039 11645 Auxiliary Feed Bar Spring Stud, for 213806 02 214045 11640 Needle Bar Guide Bar 213196 with 213197, for Machines Nos. 71wl and 71w3 .... 70 2 75 214017

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