Singer 71W; 72W
Numerical List of Parts
11652 10358 11100 Needle Vibrating Cam and Gear Segment Lever Connection Stop Block Screw Washer, for 20GOOS Plaiter Folder Bracket Guide Stop with 200382c. for 225842 Plaiter Folder' Bracket 225831 with 2:25830, 225833, two each 200110b and 200137c, for 22584^ Plaiter complete, Nos. 200169b, 200G51b, 2008451J, '225827 to 225829, 225835, ,225836, 225841, 225909, 225919. 226163, two 225S32B and three 200579E (see page 168)
2 55
Prefer Foot Shank Spring (left or "'^ght);:to he used with Nos. 206496, 229688, 229705, 229716, 229719, 229724,
226021 14201
.%>S \^972T. and 229821
• "• ' 226163 10350,I^einnier Folder and Arm (left) Adjust- ^ able Thumb Screw Washer, for 230517 01 226163 10850 ,j|emmer Folder and Arm (right) Adjust- able Thumb Screw Washer, for 230525 and 230531 0 226163 10359 Plaiter Guide Screw Stud Washer, for 225S42 01 227227 11642 Knee j.ifter Connection Lever Lifting Rod Spring Collar with 200113f, for Machine No. T2wl2 15 227309 11125 Knee Lifter Connection Lever Lifting Rod with 202302. for 227443 and 227444 06 227370 11126 Under Driver Cone Pulley (grooved), two speed, Is in. and oh in. belt diani., with 227553, for 227740 1 35 227442 11637 Knee Lifter Connection Lever with 202146, for 227443 and 227444 15 227443 Knee Lifter Connection Lever 227442 with 227309, 227446 and two 200224ir, for Machine No. 72wl2 1 05 Knee Lifter Connection Lever 227442 with 227309, 227448 and two 200f224ir, for Machines Nos. 71wl to 71w3 and 72wl3 to 72wl9 70^ 227445 11104 Knee Lifter Lifting Lever, for 227446 .. 35 227446 " " "" 227445 with 227447 and two 200110b, for 227443 60 227447 11103 Presser Foot Vibrating Shoe, for 227446 20 227448 11637 Knee Lifter Lifting Lever, for 227444 .. 25 227488 12153 Machine Clamp complete, Nos. 200748it, 2015S2B and 2255S5ir 20 Eobbin Winder Stop Latch, for 227523 .. 10 227522 12319 227444
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