Singer 71W; 72W
Numerical List of Parts
No. Plate
230511 14605 Hemnier Folder and Arm (left) $4 00 230512 14605 " Tongue (left) with two 200164b .. 1 230513 14605 " "(right) with two 200164b .. 1?*^^ 230514 14605 " Bracket (upper) with 200462b and two 200160b oO' 230515 14605 Hemmer Bracket (lower) with two 200078D 50 230516 14605 Hemmer Base Plate with 225706 60 230517 14609 Hemmer (adjustable) (left hand) com
plete, folds hems from I to <2\ in., Nos. 200158n. 200246b, 201525e, .225708b, 226163, 230484 and 230510 to 230516 (see page 167)
9 00
Nos. 230518 to 230524, for 230525. 230518 14606 Hemmer Folder Arm and Guard (left) .. 2 00 230519 14606 " Bracket (lower) with two 200078D 25 230520 14606 " Folder and Arm (right) 2 00 230521 14606 " Bracket (upper) with 200452b and two 200160b 230522 14606 Hemmer Tongue (right) with two 200164b 1 230523 14606 " " (left) with two 2.00164b.. ( 230524 14606 " Base Plate with ,225706 40. 230525 14609 Hemmer (adjustable) complete, folds
hems from J to 2^ in., Nos. 200158b, 200246b, 201525E, 225708b, 226163, 230484 and 230518 to (230524 (see page 165)
6 50
Nos. 230526 to 230530, for 230531. 14607 Hemmer Folder and Arm (right) with two 2001OOF
2 00 l 50
14607 Hemmer Tongue (right)
230527 230528
14607 " Folder Arm and Guard (left) with two 2OOI00F
4 50 1 00 100
14607 Hemmer Base Plate with 225706
230529 230530 230531
" Tongue (left)
14609 Hemmer (reverse) (adjustable) complete, folds hems from h to 2J In., Nos.
200246n, 200469b, 201525e, 22o708b, ' 226163. 230484, 230526 to 230530 and ^ two 200187b (see page 166) 10 00^
Nos. 230532 to 230534, for 230535.
230532 14608 Hemmer Folder on Shank 230533 14608 " Tongue with two 200133b
3 50 1 00
230534 14608 " Base Plate with 225706, for 230542, 230711 and 230712 qq
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