Yamato VC3845P Series
::. (/)/{- o/ !J ;;:. 1- 1ivcss45P-s4s-wo1A~~*-'l;:r,He: 1.,, '"(,, '7;;:. 1- ~W.6x 1.,, '"( v'"* "t. :iJIHccJ 1-zo 11: ti~*-'l;:r 1v~1IBil& 1.,, '"Cv' * "t. ll/H! 21 --it 7 -'I; T /V, # ffi~ Ji:~~ iIBil& L, -C v' * "t. ;{- o/ !J A I- l<:iIBil& ~ft,"(\,\ Q ;tJ 7 -(1),tt*l';J:pg:ff X ?!-:ff X ~Jll ~f!:b l, "(\,\ * T 0 tc~.O)l!ll 1 JHPar:Jr No.•··.~111oia-.~.tt1,: 1,~ ittl ) [ J lltrllil (1) ;{- o/ !J ;;:. 1- t<:j{'j- t,, -c 4- llil ll'tJ! ~ tt, tc: l'm&t :ti: fl :b t,, --c 1t, *To [ ]pglilEIParts No. &0:.i'-S/ffl(I)~~ • lllTlliJO);{-o/ !J A 1-t<:)(<]"l,--C, 4'[ill~1JO~:h,itJ'm&t&tf=1;7'1v~*;bl,--Cv'iT. fflllt~iXll© ;:;;it.It 1. ;:. (1),1{-o/ !J 7- I- I<: lf~il&~ :h, '"Cv' 7-> $& ~ ;::'.'t:EJC(f)~li, Parts No. ( ~J;itv-;f, 3100026) '"\: :td lJj V \ \_, '* T 0 p 0068011(1)~-8-l:l:, 0068011JU168011 -e ;:."i;tJCr if v'. 1. ~ ;;::.- 1v1{,{ :f{/lili;t)((1)~1i&t1'1' c: *~ ~:fd;;i:J G-ltr ~ v'o ft:to, ~©;"--o/ !J;:,.. J-(1)lfilil&$l'Jlli, i!lcJlHc::J: iJlltJ!~:h,7.>~-€5':b•;!otJ ;t"t(1)'"C'~7 :iJ:.r ~ v'. The illustrations on this Parts List are drawn on the basis of VC3845P-348-W01A. The items from No.1 to No.20 contain the standard model. The following items included No.21 contain the submode! and Devices. The dimension of Collar on this Parts List shows Inside diameter x Outside diameter x Width. Eilllan.a(i~n.·of Marh.·••.(maf11td atthll.iide·•of Par.t· tfo.} [ ]means this part is changed from the previous Parts List. Inside of [] shows the previous Part No. and the shape of screw or the like. + means this part and model is added to the previons Parts List. il.ow;t~ Plll~!! anJtn.:t1~flf!Jpad.$ * When placing an order for the parts from this Parts List, please clearly state the Parts No. (e.g.3100026) which you require so that we can deliver the correct parts to you. * When the Part No. is "0068011" , please place an order for the part by showing "0068011" or "68011". * When ordering Vinyl Tube, please inform us of the Part No. and the length. This Parts List is subject to change without notice. From the Library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC How to use this Parts List
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