Yamato Z7000SD-8
*~1!:j:""5"iil?i91J*l-A Z7020SD-YD DF liJ~*ru.tml!I . r_w§ 14 L-A7'ic.$X77'mHJlru.&~11~~ii. *~1!:j:""5"iil?i*q:iHi?gS~R-t7iJl*J{£ x 91'{£ x ~Ji. i!!iH~ a~~~ 7iJ tiEk~~ a~*, J, . t-:r~~nn [ J *5F*El3l.f lE1#&¥1t!=""5"ii~*, ?±*#&¥1!:j:*q:i !l:t¥1t!=~S£iJJ. [ ] l*J7iJ IE1~1!:j:""5"ii~&t1H~S~7fit*~. +*5F*El3l.f lE1#&~1!:j:""5"ii~* , ?'£*#&~1tj:*q:i J!§.;/]Q 7 !l:t~1t!=~*Jlru. . iT WJ~ftt: P;f ir.Jj!~-Ij *3lW~iT~, iw-s-~ll PARTS No. ( ¥1!:j:""5":ii~) C f91J3tll 6200066) o *iT~~-~.ffl-s-~¥#""5"~&*Ji·
How to use this Parts List
The illustrations in this Parts List are drawn on the basis of Z7020SD-YD DF. The items from No. l to No.13 relate to the standard model. The items after No.14 relate to the submode! and device. The dimiension of collar in this Parts List is shown as inside diameter X outside diameter X width. Number beside connector shows size of joint
Mark explanation [ ] means this part is changed from the previous Parts List Inside of [ ] shows the previous Part No. and the shape of screw or the like. + means this part or model is newly added in this Parts List How to place an order for the parts * When placing an order, please tell us Parts No. (e. g. 6200066). * For Air tube, please inform us of the part No. and the length.
This Parts List is subject to change for improvement without notice.
From the Library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Made with FlippingBook - Online Brochure Maker