Barudan BEAT 804, -806, -808, -M804, -M806, -M808-YS
BEAT-804·806·808-YS BEAT-M8 0 4 ·M8 0 6 ·M8 0 8-YS PARTS LIST
Page Nn
Mach 1 ne I ayout ······ ···· ·· ······ ··········· ···· ·· ···· ·· ···· ·· ···· ·· ···· ············ ······ ·· ·· ··
(!)Frame· Table a· ssy ··········································································· 7 'l:·Sew i ng head a· ssy ················· ···· ·················· ·· ···· ·· ······ ···· ·· ·· ·· ·· ······ ···· 2 5 ·································································· 2 7 (4)Needle bar· Jump mechanism ............................................................... 2 9 C:tTake up lever mechanism
.................................................................. 3 1
'!?;Thread guide mechanisrrrn
~~-to lor change mechanism ····································································· 3 3 ·XOpt ion ............................................................................................. 3 5
:§;Conect i ng shaft .............................................................................. 3 7
(~')Drive mechanism
.............................................................................. 3 9
@.Pantograph drive mechan1sm 4 1 @Pantograph dnve mechanism I --::%;• ................................................... 4 3 ~ ···················································
................................................... 4 5
1 -~1)
,lQ:.Pantograph drive mechanism
1_DPantograph drive mechanism (H-Direction)fi--CI: ................................. 4 7
:)]Pantograph dr1ve mechanism (H-D1rect1on)U-·:2) ................................. 4 9
d1Pantograph drive mechanism (V-Direction)ffi---- ...................................... 51
........................................................................ 5 3
t~Contorol system
-'ftContorol system
ll ........................................................................ 5 5
···························································· 5 7
:j5.Thread cutting mechanism
I! ............................................................
·:f~Thread cutting mechanism
5 9
JJ')Thread cutt1ng drive mechanism ill ................................................... 6 1 INDEX ................................................................................................... 6 3
-- ------------- ----------· --- ·Please specify. in the following manner. your machine model,manufactur1ng number and embroidery 'space when you order us with the parts having 0 at the end of the part No.:
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