Barudan BEAT 804, -806, -808, -M804, -M806, -M808-YS
Computerized Monogram Machine
BEAT 804 806 BOB
BEAT-804·806·808-YS BEAT-M8 0 4 ·M8 0 6 ·M8 0 8-YS PARTS LIST
Page Nn
Mach 1 ne I ayout ······ ···· ·· ······ ··········· ···· ·· ···· ·· ···· ·· ···· ·· ···· ············ ······ ·· ·· ··
(!)Frame· Table a· ssy ··········································································· 7 'l:·Sew i ng head a· ssy ················· ···· ·················· ·· ···· ·· ······ ···· ·· ·· ·· ·· ······ ···· 2 5 ·································································· 2 7 (4)Needle bar· Jump mechanism ............................................................... 2 9 C:tTake up lever mechanism
.................................................................. 3 1
'!?;Thread guide mechanisrrrn
~~-to lor change mechanism ····································································· 3 3 ·XOpt ion ............................................................................................. 3 5
:§;Conect i ng shaft .............................................................................. 3 7
(~')Drive mechanism
.............................................................................. 3 9
@.Pantograph drive mechan1sm 4 1 @Pantograph dnve mechanism I --::%;• ................................................... 4 3 ~ ···················································
................................................... 4 5
1 -~1)
,lQ:.Pantograph drive mechanism
1_DPantograph drive mechanism (H-Direction)fi--CI: ................................. 4 7
:)]Pantograph dr1ve mechanism (H-D1rect1on)U-·:2) ................................. 4 9
d1Pantograph drive mechanism (V-Direction)ffi---- ...................................... 51
........................................................................ 5 3
t~Contorol system
-'ftContorol system
ll ........................................................................ 5 5
···························································· 5 7
:j5.Thread cutting mechanism
I! ............................................................
·:f~Thread cutting mechanism
5 9
JJ')Thread cutt1ng drive mechanism ill ................................................... 6 1 INDEX ................................................................................................... 6 3
-- ------------- ----------· --- ·Please specify. in the following manner. your machine model,manufactur1ng number and embroidery 'space when you order us with the parts having 0 at the end of the part No.:
From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
---------------Machine layout(BEAT-804)
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804-M804 808-MBDB
-1- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
,--------------Machine layout(BEAT-M804)
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804-MB04 L-----------------------MOOEL BEAT808-M808-YS 808-MBOB -2- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
~---------------Machine layout(BEAT-806)
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804-MB04 '--------------------------MOOEL BEATBDB-MBDB-YS 808-MBOB - 3- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
~---------------Machine layout(BEAT-M806)
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B04~MB04 BEAT 808-MBOB-YS 808-MBOB
- 4 From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
,---------------Machtne layout(BEAT-808)
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B04-MB04 '------------------------MooEL BEATsoa-Msos-YS 808-MBOB - 5- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
.---------------Machine Iayout(BEAT-M808)
/ 804-MB04 L________________________ MOOEL BEAT 808-M80B-YS 808-MBOB -- 6 - From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ------Gc F r am e • Tab I e a s s y (BEAT-804) P = 3 5 0 , I 5 --~- -- i ~~ 7 8Q4MM8Q4 L----------------------MOOEL BEATBDB-MBOB-YS 808-MBOB - 7- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC CD Frame • Table a'ssy (BEAT-8 0 4) P=350 No I REMARK ITEM! LIST DESCRIPTION KCi5 6Y 2 J ! TablP CO\"Pf 2 Kl'l2 Hrx. ~ockPI bo 1 t \!G x 8 3 --c--------- ---- 4 KC 1 l C 9 1 0 Frame support s·de cover •:R· :, ! fleA, ~ocket bolt M6 x 2·J --+ 6IKLJ 20800,Tablesupport , 1---+-----------'-'-------------- --~+--'--- , KU 1 5 9 1 C. Shelf board REH-HO~. 'Wlx3~G· 8 KU I 6 59 Frame BEAT 804. 320x350.· ! l i 9 KC 2 0 8 4 Table support t.JIJL" -------- _____ , 21 I-I-O-~K~C_:_:_:_4~0_:_5~4-0:____T~o~bl~e_:_;o~p~po~c-I-.T-S~OI~.-P-2_5 ___ o-,~~---==------------------------~~~-~l~---~-----------_-_-_-_-~_-·_-~~-~~=----_--·_---_- l l i K C 1 0 56 0 Table support .26~L; 4 1-2 j K C -1 4 0 5 5 0 Ta-b-,-~--;;-,pp-o;:-i-,- ,-,-0-1--,------------ I [ ---:-:----:c---------- f--6--'-_K_C_i_o_o_s_3_0---t!_r_._o_l '-"-"~""~"-'_1_: 7_o_o_L._P_2_1_T_' --------------~-'1-------------j -=~=-----+---------_-_---~------------ -----1'---- ---------11---_j_l_______ f-----!------------ ------- ------------ '- -i------ 1 ---~------- I 3 KC 2 0 8 6 0 j Table support .79DL. P4iJOl __ J --!- -------- 4 I Scre11 M:J x ~:' 1------i-'-C..: 5 :llex,nut3'8 I ------- --------- ---- ----+---------1 ------1--l ---- ----------,-----------------t-+-----------1 --------------~-+-------- -----------+--~- i---+-----+-------------~~-------1 ---+----------- ---- -------~~--------- -----1 1---t-------+ ----1 1---+------ir-------------------+-------- -------1 r--+----_c_--– i f-----+---------------- --- _________________l ______ ----1 i - ! - 8- I B R. 1 1 .}0 From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC I ------CD Frame • Tab I e a ssy (BEAT-804) P = 4 50 15 ' • 12 -8 13 / ,/ B04~MB04 L----------------------MaaeL BEATsos-Msos-YS BOB~MBOB - 9 - From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC CL Frame Table a' ssy (8 EAT- 8 0 4) P=450 : Q' TV j No ITEM L I S T OESCRlPTION REMARK KG! ' 6 7 2 i'ab I e , BEAr 80~, 320X-l5C 2 1 :.lA l :, 0 ' 0 _,[-· Tab I P co\' rr \o_ :6 flex. o;or.k~t hoI l \16 XH !KC l l 0 9 l c framP _) i d p c01 er R t --- s Hex. socket bo I I \16 X 20 --·:------ ------ ---- 6 ! K L' I ~ (' l:\ C U Talil~ support f-- _j__ --- ·- ---- ---------------- ; . K C l 5 l 7 8 Sit elf b11artl BEAT 80-l. 320x4JO_- K l' fram ·'REH-RO~ .. ~20x~;,Q: A 1 6 7 2 ? K C 1 2 0 8 ~ • ; TabiP support >175L) 0 ~~~------K C 1 4 1 c ('I ~ 4 () :Tab[~ support J~:JL. P~5U~· 1---- -------+------- ------ o_l Tobie ooppccl 26lll -----,---'+----------------i l_!__ ~ f--11 _ K C l , 0 c 6 Ta~~~-s~~~~~- ~!'~~-: ____________________ rl--c-2-cK_Cc·--~ 0 ~ 5 0 0 ~ 3 0 11ablP Slli'POfl ::90l. P2ll ----~!--~~--------------i 1 3 K C 2 0 8 6 0 i Tallie SU_P_P~~-~-~IQC_L_:_~~J_. __________________ L_________________ ---1 ~-~~ C 1 Screw lEi x 25 Hex. nut 3 8 l 6 -------- __-- ---L~-· -----------__ ----·. --------- --~------~--------- ------------ --,1-------------------- I -------- --t- ---~------------~-----:----- _!__ _______ L_...________________ ~--------1 -----:------- -- -- ------ ----·-----i---1---- ---- - ---- --:------ ------ I I 1--+--------~-------------------- 1 . - --------------- i I I ' ---·::------ !-- -------------'---- -. --------- ------------------- --------- ! -!- ---- ---------+-------------------'---~---- -- ~----"--~--- ---- --------------------------------~--- f- ----- ----- ------------ -10- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 1B .l I 011 -----I!Frame · Table a' ssy (BEAT-804) P=520 14 12 804-MB04 L_____________________ MODEL BEAT806·M80S-YS 808-MBOS -11- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC :D Frame Table a' ssy (BEAT- 8 0 6) a· TY D E S C R I P T I 0 N I ITEM' LIST REMARK Nc 6 l 3 ' Tab l p BEAT srrG. 320 x ~20 ---------- ' i KG I ? 0 6 :; 2 Ta h l e [0\Cr G ---=q__ r-!__ -~-~ 4 I) ' 0 0 Tah l e 511ppor\ hrarllet ---- s 0 0 Tab IP suppnrt 4 1 ~1.-\140 5 K l' l G 1 6 l 2 Frame HE.~: so:.32C-'"'52J --------- ----- ------- BEAT support 0 1 Fram~ sirle roYCr 8 KC C 1 iJ g R· ---- 2 Cl 8 0 c- 9 K L- Tablp support ' 0 I K c 1 2 I I K U I 4 0 8 4 1 . !'able support --- ----t- --- ---- - ~HJl · ' ? c-~--- :"/2!1[.P2~1J 1 .:=:_c_::::.:___________:_, · 1 o J:: C 1 Tah11' support 2 4 0 53 0 Tat:e support 72JL,P2ll \!.-\ 11 Tabl_•·_s'~_ll_-" __ .:_li.:_'c":___________________ ~- 1 , Table support GJ"D~L.:_ ______________ 8 0 Table support (720L.P~-l0,' .:_.:____::__~_c_______ -----+ 1 1 3 \!A 1 4 o J ---- -------1 e'-'-1-C\'l~A.1 o ~ 7 o ~-t----- 5 1\·'lA 1 4 0 v ------------ } __ ~ __________ -----.-Sc~-~~~~M5>':Z~- J 7 'Wood srrew \!:,.I x ~2 fC--"------- __ j r-,-,_-,-- o -c-ke-t b~~~-11-S~~-,----------_ ------'--- 8 e-'-0_:________ ! _H~_'·_n~-~-~-~ ________ _____________ _ ____ 2 0 He:~osoc~el bolt ~\6X2() ~------.::.:=~.:..c --------------- t I IIPX.SVCkPlbolt M6/8 2 1---------------------------------- .. ------ -----------~--c-- ---1---------– i ! ------------ . - --- . -- -----------+- --c-----------1 --------- . ---- ---~-- -------- ----------- ----------- . ---------- ------- -- 1----------_j____ . -------------------- IR ~- I11(1 -- 12 -· From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ----- (j) Frame • Tab I e a' s s y (BEAT-806) P = 3 50 --8 11 /A • " ' /; ' > / J ---- -- ---- -- 7 804-MB04 BEAT 806-MBOB-YS BOB·MBDB '-------------------------MODEL -]3- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC C1) Frame • Table a'ssy (BEAT-8 0 6) P=350 0' TY ITEMI LIST REMARK No 0 E S C R I P T I 0 N j K"C l:; 1 b :ll Tahir• ,-BEAT 806.32Cx3:;c,, 1 TablP co~er 2 2 K C 1 2 l 3 J j --'-----------1 r--~-------t--- 3'KC12:32~,:Tahl~cover 2 --- ---- -- ·------------- --------- FramestiiPCOI'€f ·R, ---- ----c--:---:-:------- 4,KC110910 I - ' 1 r~-- , iv15'<20 ~1 HeX.sockPltl~lt f---- T----- 6 K "C 2 0 8 J 0 Table support ---------------=-t-- -------' s She If board /BEAT -8C6. 32C· >< 350 K U i --- ' --------- KL 16 8 :Frame ~BEAT-Hil6,:320X3:J0' 1---' -------- 2 9 1 KC l 2 ll I KC 1 4 CJ 1 1 K C I 4 il 1 0 Table support '175L. ----- ---1- :-c-:-c--::-:--:-c:--cc--- ----------- Table support J90L.P25J.: Tahle support r_26H · --------- -------- Tab I e ~upport 'i~CL:: ' I e-~----------1 t/SUL. P214' Tab I P support 790L, p I :IJ 1-l KCILOR60 Tab I e ~upporl Screw M:' X L1 Hex. "" l 3 8 Hex, sockrl bolt M6 X~ I i -- r------------------------+-'------------ r-J _______ u ___________________ _l ----------- 1--- ----- _______L ___ - --------------- j_ ' I ----- -t r----- --- -· ---- I ------+- -------_-_-+'---• ---;--- -------! I ~---~-- I -----------1----- I ----- ------- ' ----- f -----'- --------------- ' t ' ~~--~--- i ------ --------------- 1---+--- !---,~~--! _,,-----------------------l---1___ ------ ----------c----------- -------,-- I I -f---- i ---t---- L ___________ -i f---'----L ----,, ---- ·----- IB·N. J 1111 - 14- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC --- (BEAT-806) p = 4 5 O ssy • Table a (]_)Frame 13 I I ~~ ! ,' I I I /; I j/ 7 L___----=--:-::15:--- ao4-~~g~-YS EAT 806- 808 MODEL B BOB M From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC G) Frame • Table a'ssy (BEAT-8 0 6) P=450 D E S C R I P T I 0 N i Q' TY I ITEM L I S T REMARK 1 KU l .116 81 'TablP 'BEAT-805.320xt50 2 I \1.'\ 1 50 4 9 1 Table cover \o.](i 6 ·c:c-:-- ------------ Hex.socket bolt M6x8 3 4 K C I ! 0 9 I 0 Frame side eol'er 'R' : --- ---- ----------1 5 Hex,so~kel bolt M6X2J ---- --- --------------~---- K V 1 ~ Q 8 0 0 ; Table support l ! '----------- 6 7 Kll 51 'i 0 0 Shelf board ',Bl:AT 8C6,32CX45J: 1' f-_:_:_:_:_c_:____:__:+-"'--:_:_:_:_:_::_::::_:_:_::_:_"----'_:_:______ +-'-+- ---------l 8 K t: . 6 1 6 ~ 1 Frame (BEAT-H06. 32C x 411l'• l 1 ---------------~------- 9 KC 1 2 0 8 4 1 ! Table support U75L) 2 I C K C l ~ 0 54 -o- r~-b!-e su~p~~-~ 1 .790L, P250'• ·j 1 I -----L-~---------------l 1 1 KC 1 4 0 56 0! Tab I~ support (26~L) 6 i f-+----~---"---------------'---- 1 2 1 3 I K C 1 4 0 ~ 3 0 Tahle Siipporl 'T981. P2q) 2 l KC l 4 0 5 ~ 0: Table support "740L'- ____ =+ 1 1 f-+----+----"--------- -------- 1 KC 12 0 8 6 0 Ta~J_e_~<;-~p~ort -~90L.P400; ______ .- 1 ·-------------------1 1 5 1 Screw M5X2~ 1 4 1 6 ' 1 Hex, nut 318 I ! --------------t--------------- f-_J_____ -,--+---------l 1-----------+-----------------------i-----T -------------------- -- - f-------i --- -----------------~,----------- -------------r--+-------- - -- 1 --1--------- i ----------1 f------------------ ----- ' --------------1-L------ ' 1-------------"--------------------1--r---- ---- ----------------+---------j - -+-------- i 1---+---------------------------!,----------1 1---+'--------------- --------+------- -- - - - -----------'------ -----1 r--+------:------------J__ _J________ ! 1---+------- -- i ~--------------+-----,-------- . ! ! ! 1--+-----+-------·----------+-~-------+ i ~----~ -----1----------------------- ----------- 1 ·------ _.________ -- -- i I ------ -------------------l l H ~- .)11 - 16- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ------CD Frame • Tab I e a ssy (BEAT-806) P" 52 0 804-MB04 '-----------------------MoDEL BEATsos -Msos-YS 808-MBOB -17- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC T Frame· Table a'ssy (BEAT-8 0 6) P=520 ' 0' TY D E S C R I P T I 0 N ITEM l I S T REMARK KC: 51 5 l 3 TabiP 'BEAT 806.3~0x~20 -- --r- ------------ ---------- -------- 2 KG. 2 ~1 6 6 2 I Tab!~ co1·n -----------------t--------- -- 3 1\l:\: ·I n ':l 8 0 j Table Sllpporl bradd --------- ,-------------------------- ·--- -- ----~-------- /viA i -1 0 6 9 I_~TabiP ;upport 7 5 Kll. 616.2 Frame BEAT-8DG.~2JXC,20' I--+----- ·----· ~ _K_LT ~1 J , 0 Sliel t boorJ 7 I Kl': ,I 0 7 0 0 1 TablP support - -~,-;-------!------------- --~- -J _K ~--:~ --~'_2__L _ _2__~~·ra_'_''_;_i_d_"_'_"_'_'_'_ -R____ --------- --------- BEH -806, 320 Y sn- 6 -------------- __ -·-------------- __________ ---~ u j ~-;: u · 2 o 2 o o : Tacbct':_:'c"c""c_"c'c'________________________ J ("I I KC 1 2 0 h ~ 1 ·Tallie support ·:.;7JL ~ -+ -- -~ ~~~~~~-c_· _5__2___. Tall! r support . 7201. P25C' -------------+---'-1-----· r--f--------- ------ ·72iJL.P~l~· ; 3 ----- ----- --------- -------'----:-+---- :v1Al-I05:J:1ihh\p:,upport ;:! TablP support : 3 !\1A I -1 0 5 :GiOL 2 J +----- :J :Table S\lpport 'f.JOL j hh;: ;;:_~~-~-'- __ ' '_'_"_'-_P_·'_'~_''__________ I-- -- l 4 ;'llA 1 4 0 5 6 ____________ _:_ ~-_-:_'_'_'_"_'_' __ ' c e I -------·--~~· __ _l_ ~~-~ ~~?___ . 7 ________ _ !I >nell ~8 lt8X1~ --- xe --------------------------- - ' i·· -----------,--- \t6'<2J bo It ~!6 ! Hel. socket bolt ' IIC l:, IIU I 3. 8 __ [____ -- -- : He X. socket bo It 2 0 '---- He:.. socket 2 1 ----+----------- 1---+----- ----------- 1 1---'------- ----- i i 1-_------ ----_______ :__-~~-+- '· --+----------- --- ---- 1 ------------+ - 1---·---- - ---r I -----r I -- ---j- -- ---------- -- --------- i --'----+---------- ------- --- i -t- ---------- ...... I -- - --- ------- 1---+-------- ------;--- ------ - --------------- -- - - ------------------------- ------------ ---+---- 1 f---~---------j-- ' 1-! ----'------ 1- -~ ~---~--- ·---- ! ! i ; ------l ! -----~------- - 18- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ------G) Frame • Table a ssy (BEAT-808) P=350 ' '1 I 3 """ / ~/ // ~/~~ // 10 ,.. ______ 11 ' 12 ~ \ 13 -- 9 12 I ' / --v - - 8 ------ -------- B04-M804 BEAT 806-MBOB-YS 808-MBOB L------------------------MOOEL -19- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC J; F r arne • Tab I e a' ssy ( B EAT- 8 0 8 ) P=350 REMARK No. ITEMi LIST P T I 0 N D E S C R 1 ! K li 1 J I H 6 ·2 ! lahle tBEAT 80~ 320x350 1--"----------c+------ ----- 2 ~ KL l 2 l 3 2 C: Table COHr ~ i ______c"_ Table cover 2 3 K L l 2 3 I 0 r--- ----------- ~ H~x-~ockel holt MBX8 -----~-+~___£I l 0 £_~__:_r~~_e_:_~ de co_c_ec--,-,------- 6 1 1 Hex. socket boll \16 x :,J 1--~-------L---- ------ ________ , ------------- KC I 2 0 8 0 0 Table support 7 ---- --~----------. B~AT 808. 321} X 35C She! t board 8 Kl l 5 I 6 r----··· - 9 KCJ l' I 6 6 2 Frame · BEAT-808. 320 x 35lL· ' • I +----t--------------j ·--- ------ -=-~---~c 1 2 c 8 4 ! lable support ·47_C•cL_·________________ : ____!Jc·_____ K C 4 0 J -1 0 I Table support '790L. P2jCJJ ------------- --. -· -------------·-------'---l---------------1 2 KC l I 0 2 5 Co I' a bI e S\lpport ~G~L 7 .1 KC I 1 0 ,, 3 c Tab I c support :79UL.P2l-1'· 3 1 KC 0 c Tab I e ~740L' ---:-----:--::-:-:-----c-:----------------------------------- 1 5 2 support KC l 2 0 8 6 c I' a hI e support , 700L. P400 :- :___:_:_c_c_______________ -'---------------- 5 Screw M5x25 + - --,-- ,------------- 6 Hex. nut 3/8 7 -------------------~: • +-------+---------------------------t--------------------j r-r------~-----------------------~~----------~ -t- ! i --------------+---+---------- --- ----~·· ---------------- ------+--+--------- ---------T--+--------- -+-------- -- '~------4= -------~~--------------~-----:-~---------- -= I -1 +--- ------ --- -----------:--------- i -------------~----,---------------i I ------------ --------'------------------ - 20 ,__ From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ~~------CD Frame • Table a ssy (BEAT-808) P=450 ' / -------- ------ - B04-MB04 BEATaos- aae-YS BOB-MBOB L ----------------------- MODEL - 21- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC (1) Frame • Table a'ssy (BEAT-S 0 8) P=450 a· TY : D E S C R I P T I 0 N lIST ITEMj REMARK ~===2~='=I=A==I::-_:, -_,_' -_, __ -,_~--'-+1-T_,_h-1_;_-_'_"'_-,_,_,_"_· _I__ 6____ _ -----=-----_-_- : : 8 1 i Hex.n11t ~~8---------------------!-- 3 Mexo ' [ llex.~ockd holt 1 I 0 s I 0 ! Framr sidr coi'Pr 'R 5 i 5 I --;+Kl KC l ! --_______,_-+-----------i I ~6X20 ' Hex.sockP-l bolt ---------~ 2 () 8 0 0 Table support 8 ' Kl I 5 I ' 5 ' She\ t hoard RE.~T-RC8. ~2.-, x 1SC·, --------------+--- _-_____ _ 9 K C l 6 1 6 ~ 2 'Fram~ ·.BEAT-R08.320x-tJO.• -----;--------------+--- --- --- ------------------- 0 KC 1 2 C 8 4 1 i Table support 4J~L- l l. KC 1_1 c ·, 1 J! Tablr support 'i8CL,P2J.J' 1 ' KC 1 -l C J 6 J I Table support :'264~'- l 'KC 14 C J ::l~l' ouppurt -~qr;L.P214 1 I 2 ! ------.-- 6 ' ~- i~.5:~_5_ __ ~--~~J2_~b~ supp~-~ ·'7-:GL-:-_____________ 1 51 KC 1 2 0 8 6 0 I Table >upport '-~-~=-~~- ------------------;---I-f--1 _1 ~ ~ Scre11 M5X2'i ---------------------------!-- --! --- I f--+--------- - -------------- I ----+---------- --------- ------------- ---- ------+--- ' -- --------~----- --t----------+ ------- -- ------- ------- i----------- 1 . I i ~-------------·-------+--+- i' - -----------+----- ------------ ~---------- r- ________, ---•------~--- 1 1, I - ---- i I --t- --~-·- ! _____________,_l_______ ------- --~----------_L_- ! -I ---------- - ------+-_j__ ------------~~- --- ··~------~·~·-------- i ---------t---- --- --------- --- ---------- -------- ------- --------- --1---l- ------------1 I -- ----- -- --+-– ! ' -+------- ------- IB ~ \11:1 -22- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ------CJ)Frame • Table a'ssy(BEAT-808)P=520 I / I ~3 ,, * ~15 11 I B04-M804 L -----------------------MoOEL BEATaoa-Maos-YS 808-MBOB - 23- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC (1) Frame • Table a'ssy (BEAT-S 0 8) P-520 ; o· TY . ITEM 1 LIST REMARK DESCRIPTION N' , , Kl' l ·'I b I :J Tabi\' BEo\T HU~.J2'J/~21_1 T~ble cov~~------------ !- --------- ------------ 2! KG 12 0 6 6 2 .. - ----;4 llrx.sockPt bolt MGx8 ---r---- ---- ---- ___ j___ ~ KC: 1 l 0 H l 0 I Frame s1de cover rR t--; --ru;~sorkl'l bolt 116x2-J________________ ! -- --- 6 Kl' I 2 0 8 0 0 ~Table support ' I l t -~---- -------- --------- 2 - -----j-- -- - ' l l 1 ------t I 2 , -------- -----·---.-- 13 KC 208GO:Tablesupport i/91JL.I'4~0· 4 Screw \t5X25 ------- ---- ----- - - ---- ------- - 1 5 Hn nut 3 1 8 - ------------1 r------- ------ ---------------------- ------ -----r-------- ___ ------1 I ------------------- -------+-- ----,-------- ------- ------ ----'-----+ __j i -+-------------- ------- ---r -- ------------ ----+-– ! 1 ---~-----'--- -------- I _ __l_l____ -------- -------- ------------- ; ---------+ ----------- 1-------- ----!-- __ , ______ r----------- -- --------1 -·-·r -------- --------------+---------- -------L-- -- - ----- - _ __;____ ____ --- ---~-- -----;----;----------- ------+-+----------- 1 ------ ! -- ------------ -- ------------ '---- -------- ------ ----------------- ------- --~-------- I B ~- 1011 - 24- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC 16 / / ~ / / /// 18 29-~:/// ~. ./· I / / I I / ~/ ~/ 2 56 ' I 22' 34 47 ' ! 38 48 49 51 52 \ ' ' \ 1-58 l ----------~-----------------=~-=-------MDDEL MBD4 YS B04~ OB- B EAT8086:M808 80 -25- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC %Sewing head a ssy D E S C R I P T Q' TY REMARK ITEM! 0 N LIST No I ----------- T~~-~~~_R_Par .'Sppir_~l he\'~] lli j ------ HP\ sockPt ser screw 2 -3 K L l \le-~o _:__ ______ II SRE- L K L 2 2 0 0 9 0 Top shaf: bear1ng roliar 7 0Ji]47Z A cr U l C C B~ari11g ----- --------- Tflp sraft lrraring- ca1r 6 K L 2 C 4 ~ ------~ KL2 cc~ Arm top co1·er ---------------- ---- --------- Scre11 \14 ·< 10 ---- --- ______L__ --------- ----- ------- ____1 ~-~~~- S_IIJ -D X~ K F 2 2 C 3 J j ReiC I gear -------- 2 2 Topslraflcollar KL~2CGHJ Ttn•Jst ~~ashPr 1 3 H P 2 3 .3 0 ~' Top shaft gear -------'-- -'------- --~-- ------ " : -l, K J. '2. ~ !' 1 :J 11 Oil felt H - -'--1- -- -----~ ------- 5 ! K L 2 ., 0 0 3 0 CT_o_P_,_h_•~f ~- ~:~_a_l_-_\lr_ddl_ '---- - E· 1 K L 2 2 '' o c o -~-~~! shaft · ~ ' K L 2 0 1 4 0 ! Mrn gear ca<;P ----i-- -– ' fln.. s~rkn hull IW-<25 ----- 1 0 K F 2 2 1-' 6 J BPI'Pl gear \Prtical 'haft upper 20 KLL?.I) 4 I) 0 1 I f e I t --c- f--- 2 l ! K L 2 2 (1 S 1-'Pr!Jcal shaft mPial :u~prr'· 2 2 ----···' Hex. socket set screw · F • P llG '< S K !3 2 C : J C Arm -------- 2 4 KL 2 2 0 0 0 \"erlical shaft -------i ------ I !____________ I I ------1- . ··---- ------------ '\'crtiral shaft metal 'f' 2-· KL22C05 lntical shaft lower· K F 2 2 U U BeHI g~ar ---------,-------- --- Gear cover set Truss oc:rPW 271Kf2202J c 8 -------- 11,) v .0 -----r::-- 2 U KL 2 2 J 0 2 0 Tnp shaft metal ·Front~ --- --- ------ ram srt ~CHW K F 2 3 D I 2 J ---,- --:-t - ------ 3 J Ll - ... --·- Take up 1~\'Pr cam K6 3 l · K l3 2 3 J D 3 0 1 --------- Screw :'11 .-- x 2CJ 1 - - ~j 2 _ _j_ -------- KB23COJ0 33 JC !:Iamping '1 -1 1\ ~ ··I ~ 0 0 7 ; Scre11 ----- ----- + 35,KF22 0 1 8 0 BPI'Pi rra" ·.Hot tom shaft: ---+ ----- ---- R~ar; 7 0 ! Rottom shaft metal J 0 0 2 8 u Bottom ~haft l'llilar ~6:KL2~ ~~_K_F22 l I - -- -------j 3 ' !Sere~ '.S.I!CJ/~2 2'Jx38 rc---------j---- ----- :l 9 1 fle'i, ~ocket bolt :-1!2-<.35 401KC2202 c Bottom shaft ~~l-w--2--,l ~ -------------- 2 o 011 re11 ---; l --- -------- ---- - 4 ~ 1 K F 2 ~ 0 ~ 0 C \eedle 1date >el sr:rell' •.S.\1;1/34 ~Ov 7 G . I -------- ~\L\ 2 s_~J l 3: \ppdle Diate ____ ··---- _________________ -1 K F 2 2 0 2 3 0 Bottom sl1aft mP!al '.Front TK C 2 2 06-1-0-Rotating hook bobilin case _h_,_ld_e_c_p~~~~~-n boacket I B ~- I VI From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC :2'Sewlng head a ssy p T D E S C R ITEM L I S T Nc 0 N REMARK 0 i I ro rt• 0 TakP tp IPIPr cam " ' r------ 2 3 f- ~C q-.- ·------- . 0 Takf ~p IPI'Pf cam l.l c_,._, ----------c-----,--- ----·- y,x j S\1:1 1 d 6~ ----·--- ; u TS liS I.-.-\ ' ~11~ -- ----- ---------- Ro l a l i nv hoo~ ccrnplo>l~ 'l S\fll / C~ -- - -- ----~__:_c_:_:____:__:_c_:_ Snell' 4C X 1 ,, " F 2 Bohhtn 1 l (1 -----– ___ 2 ' F 2 2 G ' 3 ---------, Pan SCfP\1' \13 (· -------- K l ~ r1 ~pnng for fnPd bad c~1Pr ----------- Ba II co 1 t' r KC2 0 7 ~ --------------- J 0 0 I G i')'iln1rr U~d conr 5 f; KL i H1nge -'TH l\1-f:' ,------- H1•x,socket hull ~ 8 c-- __ ) 5 U K L 1---- 6 c ,-\ 9 \I~X2) -------:- -r--- 2 'i 0 c ~ -~rm sid~ cablP co\'Pr C-lO-SG ~6A Cromm~nt . - - -- --------- i ------+------- i --! f-----'-----1 r- ______,___ -- -------+------- ------- i ' ------ I ) ------- -----;-- ------------------------ --;--------- I -------t-----1-- ___ _)__ ___ _ -------- I ___ , ~---~-- -------- -- - - -------1------ ; -·- ------------- --------1 ----------------· I B ~ III'J -26- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC !ever mecha . n1sm C3:-' Take up 18 /·· / ', -------~----~- 1 1-- 14---1 J ------------ 4 J ~-14 I i 12 ,/ 16 1) MODEL BEA"'T"B04-M804 .I BOB- 80 808-MBO~-YS -27- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC i:J Take up lever mechanism (N"'Needle a· TY; ' a· TY D E S C R ITEM L I S T REMARK P T I 0 N No K B ~ 'l Ci 6 Drll'lng >haft ---+-- -- -- Thread gur!!P plat~ HB2-lJIHil ~ -- --'----· ----------- t----HB ~ ~,j 0 1 Thread gurde plate 5 ---------- ___l__ - ---'-- ----- ---- ----------- 2 ---~---l--- J KR l I 0 0 2l' Thnad cullar -- 6 :\90 52 - TakP 1rp lever dril'ing shaft ~--0-.-KR 2 3 o 1 2 o j lakP up Inn drr\Jng il'vr·r f--'-- ----- ----- 1 1 H B 2 :; 0 3 ~ 0 Tafle np lel'fr drir•1ng r0llPr L-- -- -~~--j-~~-kP up ~~~P_r __ ~~!_~i~~-l~r _:h_,_~_~ ____________ ·_-:::;::tlf . ----------------·----! 1 2 ! HB 2 ___O 1.3 KF 2 3 0 53 0 i Tak~ up IP\er roller a'ss; -----------. K B '' 4 II II (1 Thrrart fi'iing rod -----+-------- 0 Take rrp lr•I'Pr ~haft Takp ep lenr ~-X J --~~ _:_ 3 -~---~--~~akP up Incr base I A H B 2 4 0 7 Thread lii;ngPr -- 7 -- ------ Thna~ hanger ( 5 I II R 2 -1 0 2 8 0 1- --------- ] G I K B ~ 3 0 3 0 Take up le\Pr sttockcr ------- ~- ;: [I 6 0 i Dril·ing ohaft >l'l r·ollar 2 l~=} o_ _:__~PPld~~~~-~ng IRI;Rr fning pin set colter H B ~ ;j I) ----c-'_x_ t_l____ ------1 J ? 2 ! K F 2 3 0 5 E 0 Take up le1er thread !'>l'iel reramic ---- \t.', X ·1 \!~XlZ --------1 f---2 -~L- .. -----~~e~, socket set -~_::e_ll_l_l5_,_6 _______________ ~------------------j 2 i ! He,, '>Ocket sf! ocre11 M3X5 ----l----------------1 I 2 Lap nut \14 z S· A 9 8 2 1 C 4 Thrust wash~r R-T\\J81CJ J Hex. sorkPl set srre11 \WxG 2 ----- _j Hex sockrt bolt He,, nut Sit 7 02 --- ---------~--~---- ------- He\. socket set sere\\ C.P' M4XJ 3 f 3 ~ -- - Screw ·SII:l·04Xll· -----= Cap liutl \HxR Hex.sockel boll -------- :J 4 114·,_;5 ------- J c H ll 2 J n A r, Flush snPw \f:JxP- 11ith atlhPsion.: 0 -I Take up lev~r_d_c_i'_'P_~e~~!~--'-'-'-- -----j--1 I . I 3f KB2303 - ----,----- c---c---– ! ---+-- ----------- -- --r--1 --------------- .. ------------- . ' -------- ---- --+---+-------------1 ! ---------- ~~------+- -- ---------- ___ j Ill :H l(I,J -28- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ---------~)Need I e bar • Jump mechanism l 61 1 : I ~-,-,_-~_1_ 17---- '------ci:-- -,., "1 19- 73 60 804-M804 L ----------------------MOOEL BEATBDB-MBDB-YS 808-MBOB -29- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC :4. Need I e bar • Jamp mechanism (N=needle Q' ty; p T Q' TY REMARK D E S C R 0 N ITEM• LIST No H B 2 S I] \erdle hH drill'r rPturn spring ----:;- IJB230'J9J Fi>.cd onP\1' for return sprtng ll B 2 3 C' 'J 9 J \eedle bH dri1cr fi\ing rin --------------- - -- ------ :\ 9 J 2 \retlle bar dr11er 8 6 K B 2 3 C [, 3 ~' 1 \eerlle bar dri1rr guide block -----+--- - ---- J K B 2 3 C 7 J i YIJ' Cra11k left landed scre·,r -------- 8 K B ~ 3 CranK r~d C G Q j -------- --l---- ------------- 5 ! \eedle brar~gn -------- ----- --- HB23Cl2 2 1!823~1~ 7 n Dril'ing shaft fixed plate 3 H B 2 3 ;, ----'----------------- ------- --- ~eedle bar rap 3 5 0 - -:-:---·– ~etdlc b~r Ruide fitting scre11 - __ H B 2 .3 :) 5 3 Keedle bar gu1d1' Keedle bar lXI ~ / 1 ~eedle bar sprir>!f Lpper -- -----'-'-------- ------------------ n 0 211 ~-X 1 1 0 KG 2 Preosurr fnnl ------- 2 u o _o_ Rt1~~- .s._•__ K F 2 ~ 0 9 ------------ -2:1KF23 ~X 1 0 9 3 0 Spacer -+- 2 2 ll< F 2 :~ 0 ~ 'l 0 ~eedle clamp _, ------ Kr 2 0 2 ·1 0 ~eedle clamp scre11 S\U-'f4 n Kxt ------------ __________________j_ ____ 2 \ )<1 -_OBK:' il K f 2 0 2 0 ~erdle 0 5 K L 2 0 Turrrt plat~ Oil paoi --------------- ---· ----·- ·----~ Ji'<1 '26 Kf 30920 0-RJng'L' ~ / 1 2 K F :2 C: 2 PrPS.Iorl' fnnt "Pring (I 2 g 2 8 A 9 0 Parallelpin p~x\41' - ------------------------- Turr~l plate juint pin 2 ~ ; H B 2 'J 1_1 -- ----+----------- '! 0 j l--IB" 3D C> ~ IJ ITurrd p:at._• ~ J' D -l ~ l I Turrd ~--'-'-'-'_"7_1_· _________ iiJB2 ' 2 Thrust beartng 011ter GS:52S; 0 2 3 3 r-l-2cc-c,-,c_-,-----,--,-- Thr11s\ beuing ·~TB 152R' f----+-------- 33 HB23C 8 Dril'er shaft under metal 3 ~ A G 0 l 1 C 2 2 Thrust \~asher ,\S-.528 ·. :J :l K F 2 3 c 6 7 ·J I Lark ln-rr 'Pring pin l.ock le\Pf spt·ing - 36iKF23CGG ---:--; 37,KF23005D --- ------------------------ Lock le\Pf bracht 0 3 KF 2 3 0 G 3 C Lock lever shafl ----- KF ~ :JU H :19 lu1·k c:onnerting bar clamp ---------- 4 0 KF :13 0 3 8 l Lock bar t1and gr1p f---,----------=--'------------· ---------- K C 3 :l ll C LDl'k CDIIIJediHg rod '~\\ HB2 045C ~ee1tlr har stopper fi:-e~ p:n +:I -~ 3 J 4 ' ! ---------------------- ~e~dle bar 'topper \eedle har stopp~r fixed bracket HB230-17C KB230 7C Ill H_ ]I, I From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC * change the LIST Nil by mach' ne type 1 (N=need I e a· ty) :.g:~ Need Ie bar • Jamp mechan I sm ( a· TY No ITEM L I S T DESCRIPTION RE~ARK '\ ,. 0 5 G 2 0 Rotan so~eno1d ·- ·---------------------i n Soelnoi1t brarket fixing basr l 6 K B _____ _:_____ __ jump soelno1Li f1x1ng hrar.kel .I ~ [-( B 2 .j :• C .) C' . - EcccntriccGllar HB2-l l R ~ll t'J --,-' H B ~ h:centrir stop~·"r -l •J 1' ~ --- --------------- [' ~ J 1 Jump ooelnoid I~Hr I ----·-- 1 ]11mp soclnotd lt•Hr pin J[Cancel return s~nng G .3 5 H B 2 -l ---- ------- --- J I Cancel rod i 'o-Ring r-c, I!B2-tCO ~·J =-'-'-'---- -···--- :\~ o -t n 5 ~ -t Ring ¢ 6 0 5 j6 KB2-tCCI J lance! bracket ------+c- -·- --- -- HB 2 -l 0 Q J 1 Cancel rod gui1k ------ C. 0 8 0 l.Manual caner I pin II R ~ ~ C3 3 0 310 3 8 J! Turret plate co:1nect ing rod -'L 'lOI!~ 2 u IJ LnJball 101nt ·-' ·- 2 iJ 0 3: Lniball toJol ~\!BRD4-0~C.~' N\fBRD4-0~C\,. ' 9 f1rst hPa1t ----~ --------- final gead -- 6 , llrx. nut \HO ---------- ----------'----------1 Hex. socket bolt 6 2 lt.;x:~ - ______:_:___:c__:___ ... -I He,, sorkrl set srrew \U X ·l Hex. sockrt bot t .It,; x :5 6 ' ----- ---------·-~---·· Hex, nut Its Hex. socket set srnw 6 5 \II x G \!5 / 5 ~-- .. -----------,----------1 , ll~x nut \j.J ·-·'· ----·----------- 6 8 8 ~ i Lock I e1·er -+ 69 KL23C' -------~----'------------ ------------------1 I 0 · lin, ~otkl'l liu!ton c---------------T,----- \t I >. 12 I ShPet for rotary·.:.'~~~ f--'-3+-----.. ----+-~~~~n _u_t_ll_5________ , I He:. ~ockrt bolt \t3x12 ------+------- I H 1:> 2 3 C -~_socket bolt J 6 J H B ~ 3 C J H ., i Sulpnuid rrevPntion noise co\'Pr , \l-l' 8 i Ercenlric collar ¢12 · 8 0 ~ 1-l B 3 C 0 J l:r_edle bar dri1er le1er a· 'iS} 8: i HB 2 ~ .J ·Eccentric stopper a's'' ¢12· ---, ------+--- 8 2 , I! R 2 .J c 3 3 Eccentric stopper a· ss) ___ 10 HB24C~ _ __J____ j_~e~._:;ocke~--bol t ' 5 A 9 0 1 ; G Hex. sorkrt hut ton holt ' ~ '/ 8 i _, 115'1:1 -------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------- 0 53 ~~~-~~ket. se·t·-;~v--116xJ.I5X 8 2 --------- -------- -- \t.; X JO ____________ 011:. --------'--'--- - --- ' ' hrretplateass) HB23C60'J \'S TurrPt ptatP a·ss} lF IIR2:l 6 ·--- --- ------~--'--- ----· H n 2 J \eedle bar dri\Pr a· soy J " -----·-- ···~--;---- ------- -----+-- ! ·.Ill·.~. ltir) -30- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC guide mechanism -----------(~!Thread 6 -~---26 \ ---------8 4 11 3 ! I 23 ', \ \ \ \\· ' 10 - 31- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC §Thread guide mechan1sm (N=Needle Q'TYJ Q'TY No ITEM' LIST DESCRIPTION REMARK ~l II P 2 -1 Dial l\p~ te:IOIOI' Ufilt ~Orn~Jpte \ '< \' l ' 5 ·~ 1 TenSIOn' 1\'itlr SCrP\1 ------ -- II P 2 8 first tl'HaLI !<~lltP -- -- --- -- - ------- ------ c Firot t''rPad g-uide H P 2 J II P ., ll Thr••ad J?tiillf f~lf fl\10!< p~ate S .J --------'------ I ------- 5 i 1\G 2 4 1 C? 0 Lpper tensi0r1 u111t com~lte ~-HP~ 4 2 2 Tt•rroion ba.ll' · ~ -I HP 4~1bC liP : : 1 J:j ' HP -lllEO ______________ _____,_H~P,:_,c,4cl"t"5~0 ____ Te.ns 1011 base H P 2 1 2 -- ··- '''-I- I ! 7 H P 2 4 1 (:i I) -- !l H p :2 Tcns1on earth plate "i -- ------ ') t )-{ T~i!SiOII earth ~late i I ! ----- 5) p Tappin~ SCfP\1 2 '8 _,_ ________ --------------- ~- --------- H P ~ -1 I I 8 0 ! Thread ! 7 II ll p 2 -1 H B ~ 4 I) 2 fl C Scronrl threarl guide pla\e I I 7 --- H B 2 ~ 0 2 7 c- Second threail !fuidl' p1att' 5 E B :-1 0 1 Head board for thread cutting- : :G88CC00-1 1 2 0 C Then is threarl c11l - -'------------::--------- There 1.1 no thread cut E R N () ~~~-~J--~~!_e_all ru \ ~-e-~~~::_:__~~m board -~'~3_'l_l_~ 0 _)c_· _ . _____ ! 3 K B 2 0 0 5 Tension base brac:krt I f------ _,_______ ___________ _________________ Tension base l~hel -~~- ~--1 Th;~--e--:-,,-,ch_ce_o_d_c-ot-------1 -1 r, 0 14 KCZ c- 0 : Teusion liaoe label I Tension cable co1·er C 0 There ~:; no thread ru\ H P 2 -------1-------'-----'------ ------- -------1-+ -'-'---'---___:_:__'---'-------1 5 K B 2 4 0 I 6 K B 2 0 ~ 6 0 I Tension base 1--------+------ 1_1 i TPn~ion baoe ' K B 2 0 C 7 K B 2 50 C 2 0 I Sewig-n head co1·er :\ Sewign l1ead cover KB ~50 C 3 0 B ~ ---------,---=------ -- ----- C : 9 j KB? G 0 C -10 Srwig-n hr>ail ro1·er 2 ol~_G_;_,_,_J_c_.--"~-'-"-'-'-"-'-"-'-'-'-'c"_'_"_c_t __ ,-_,_'c'___________ _ I HP 2 50 0 50 Thead end !rap unit a'ssy "'' ~- 1jK I; 2 J 0 C 'J 0 Se11i~g head fning brark~t 2 ----- ---------'--'--------- l--+--------~---------·---------------------1 2 2 1 K R 2:; 0 C G 0 Sewing hPad fi\ing .<.lay -- -+-- ---- ---- ---- -- _, - f---,-31 1 Set sen\\' Sl~~\'34 i.J--IOx~ .. J: r---;--4- Truss screw M-1 x ~ ---------------~---j----------------j 1---+---------------- -------'---------- Tapping screw \!3_~x8 -----.-- Pan screw M3 X 4 -+--------------- 2 7 ? g r------ ~ y f----------- 3 0 ' . Pan .>nrw \1'1 \h washer \!4 x 8 l Hn. socket bolt Hex.socket bolt MS x 2-J \!-~ '< 8 ------ ----t·----- lin. >ockd liul t \l-1 >--: 6 ' ----· ----- - -----------·----- _J__,______ Hex.sockd bolt \t~x2J ----- --------------1-+---------i 32 llex.oocke!bolt ll!' · IE·~- uo -32- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC :§;,Color cha nge mechanism 3.1 ~ 50 13 ' 15------- _,_- ___ ' (, ' I 40--i 15 -- 18 ----- 46--~ MODEL BE 1\'T 804 ~M804 '"""' 806MMBOS-YS 808-MBOB -33- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC ~;Color change mechanism p T L I S T D E S C R ITEM N, 0 N REMARK llll :l 31~ 2 S D~tPction plate ------ KC J 3 0 J lletectJo" pla\P en liar -------- 3 E B :\ ,_, [, S J SDL' Color c~angf hoanl ·.ltJ~'J-41l'O Ialor changp hoard hasP K l' 3 3 l 9 I iJ ------- -- 2 Dille~~ pillow EO A'JJ1104'-J f---------- 8CFL IC' u H H :1 3 r- ----- ~ 11 G 2 0 i\!itPr bPIPI gear Color change bo:. r·o1er Kl"33 7 -1 0 1-- ------------------ Thrust 11ashcr .T\\tJ:_sL), _-\ ~ J 8 2 lock detection plate drive platr 9 H P 3 3 I 9 ~ U : 0 l!P3319CO tlock detact1on plat~ driv~ levPr "---- Conden~or :1~81H llpt ion --------- ---- ~1 Lock detact1on plate li 3 0 '' K C ~ J c-'-- : :J H H 3 1 0 8 I 0 Gcarrl mrJlor R\1 FS-\JPC3 AS-130 c---- ~~~HP:l:l 57 0 :[,pard motor 'haft r- --- ____c___________ KL'33 9 C' 0 'Turri! cuntrul box 1- --- ------~--+--- ~PPdlr ILrn1ng shaft b ll P 3 ,'l 5 S Ct HP 3 3 Positing color 59 Ct 5 IJ 'Cuutrul turning plat~ KG 3 C 8 l--c--;-~---:-:--c----:----: g r\ 9 0 2 0 J - Lniball JOint ~0-l 020R ---------- ------- 0 ; 1-l ]--' 3 3 1 6 6 0 TurrPl plate joint p1n ------ K l! 3 'l Color changP rlatP lPHr 5 0 l.ork solcnoict l~1cr 5 0 v -----------r-----·----- l------ 23 JlP~Jl()I_)O LocklPI'Prlin~ --+-------- 24!AQQj[,Jl1 I 2 c, 1 H P ::t 3 I 'i 3 l T11rrtl lark lner '--··-·-··- ---------- - - -----:---- -~ - ---- ---+-- - ------------;----- Hotar) solenoid 6SH25 27\3.~. 9 _c___:_:____ KF 2 3 0 S 3 0 Lock lei'Pr shaft 2 f. ---:-- K C :1 .3 0 J 1 0 ! Jl~x. connccltng ~ar 2 L ! ------------ ~-----+------ 2 ,t ____ -----------1 7 2 2 Co1·er for color rhange box selling sla) i- 1 ------ -- ------------------r----->--------j K t: 3 3 :i 7 u 0 Lr11:~ dci\'clioH plate Jril'ing p]ale pin 3 2 H P 3 3 33 560 Locklel'erpin Hl-'3 f--'--'-~_:___:__:__ - - ~·11111-00·-o 1 JJ ___ ·~_:·_ Q 1 J ., --- --- -------- -- 1 1· 1 :teen rtc s opprr ------------·--------- ~ 3~jKF230620 L~ckleHrroller 1 e-- li I c--:--:----:-+:-----::-==--------- ------ --,----------- 3 7 :'1. 9 C· J o c Bearing :ecoozz· ! 1 -- ----- ---------------+-- - -- -- ----- -------- .i 8 A. 9 C 2 C 'i 5 E- H1 ng · '-" .J I ----+-- ------ --1--- - 3 g ! ."> 9 c 2 -~-~ _l s~-~~~! ~ ¢· ~-~-=2~--------------___l_ _______________ J K l' 3 3 5 0 I S11b spr~ng p1n for lock 1---~-----+-------------- -- --- 6 ('1 S11h sprtng for lock ---------- '2 -J 3 H~~ SOCket SP! SCrPW \15 > 8 ------~--- 4 4 , Truss scr~w ~L E Color change mechanism i Q' TY L I S T D E S C R I P T I 0 N ITEM REMARK No H~~.sucket set ocrew M~"6 ' 6 ~~-- lie:.. socket bolt ; f 1---+--~~------c--------- .; J ' : Hn sur·~._· I hull II~· 6 1--'----,----------,-------- ----– Pall srr~\1 M!x6C \!·1 x ?0 --- -----------'--+---- ~ ----~ . ____j___ --~-- ---~---- --– Truss scre11 ~4 x .5 5 1 -~--------+, -------- ;, 2 lin. nul \I! ' -~·. He~.nul\18 --~-;-----~, -- - ---~------- lle:-.flange n11t I,IS c__ cc___ ·----~~ -~- - 5 ! llcx .. '>ork(•l bolt -T II~\. soc:k~~t--II,-"-,-,]---~~------- \i:JX 12 ·-· -0-r-------- -----------:------ J7__ rH::-sockPtbolt \IS'-'12 ----- - t--- : Truss SCHW \]~X e ~----- ~-1~~-------~- :, () t--- . 6 (I r----~ -------- --+- ~-r ---~ Mt x 1:.. IIP\.SOCkt•l bolt Me X 50 He\.sockel bolt ~---· ~ r-~-- ~ ~ ~-~~ ·---~ f---~---~---- ----------~---------~ ~-----1 -+-------- ·----t-~~--~~ I ·------ ---------~~---- ~--~- ~~-----------------~---~-~--~ r--~----- -~------"----------- ~-~--- ~ ----- -~-~-~---- __ _( _________ ! ~~ -------1 i ----~---------------~-~-------- -----------------~~~--- ~ ~~--~-----j------- ---~------------------ ~-----+--- -~--~- ~---~- ------'---~ ~- ~~-~- ~ ---------~- -------------------- ··-----+-- -----~- ~--- --------~- ~ --~------ ----t--~-~-~--- ___11----- ---·· -~~- ---~-~-- ---------- ---- ~~-- ---- -- - 1------~-- --~--~-~----------~ --- ~--r--=-- -- ----~ --~ --------1 -~ ---~--- t---- --~ -r ------------------- ----~-------i I Ill h. I (If 34- From the library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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